Добро пожаловать на сайт - wlux.net!
FAQ по форуму
1. Все сообщения до группы местный проходят модерацию от 1 минуты до 24 часа
2. Сообщения учитываются в следующих разделах: Читать
3.Что-бы скачать вложение нужно 2 сообщения.
4.Личные переписки не работают на форуме
5. Запрещено: Просить скрытый текст , спам, реклама, скам, ддос, кардинг и другая чернуха, нарушать любые законы РФ/СНГ = бан аккаунта
6. Внимание! Мы не удаляем аккаунты с форума! Будьте внимательны ДО регистрации! Как удалить аккаунт на форуме?!
5.Не понимаю, как и что тут работает у вас?!Как создавать темы, писать сообщения, как получать реакции. Почему не засчитывает сообщения. Все ответы здесь
from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, BadRequest, Flood, InternalServerError
from time import sleep
from sys import stderr, exit
from loguru import logger
from msvcrt import getch
from os import system
import time
import re
def clear(): return system('cls')
api = open('apis.txt').read().split(' ')
SESSION = input('Введите номер телефона: ')
format='<white>{time:HH:mm:ss}</white> | '
'<level>{level: <8}</level> | '
'<cyan>{line}</cyan> - '
app = Client(SESSION, int(api[0]), api[1])
with open('Чаты.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
chat_list = [row.strip() for row in file]
message_text = open('Сообщение.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
def https_delete(listname):
for https in range(len(listname)):
listname[https] = re.sub('https://t.me/', '', listname[https])
def send_message(current_chat):
for _ in range(3):
with app:
app.send_message(current_chat, message_text)
except FloodWait as error:
logger.info(f'{current_chat} | FloodWait: {error.x}')
except Flood:
except BadRequest as error:
logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}')
except InternalServerError as error:
logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}')
except Exception as error:
logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}')
logger.success(f'{current_chat} | The message was successfully sent')
with open('errors_send_message.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file:
def join_chat(current_chat):
for _ in range(3):
with app:
except FloodWait as error:
logger.info(f'{current_chat} | FloodWait: {error.x}')
except Flood:
except BadRequest as error:
logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}')
except InternalServerError as error:
logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}')
except Exception as error:
logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}')
logger.success(f'{current_chat} | Successfully logged into the chat')
with open('errors_join_chat.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Вступление в чаты...')
for current_chat in chat_list:
number_of_sends = int(input('Сколько раз вы хотите отправить сообщение в чаты?: '))
sleep_time = int(input('Введите задержку между сообщениями в секундах: '))
for current_chat in chat_list:
for sending_messages in range(number_of_sends):
print('Работа успешно завершена!')
print('\nДля выхода нажмите любую клавишу.')
from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, BadRequest, Flood, InternalServerError
from time import sleep
from sys import stderr, exit
from loguru import logger
from dotenv import dotenv_values
from msvcrt import getch
from os import system
import time
def clear(): return system('cls')
config = dotenv_values()
SESSION_NAME = config['session_name']
API_ID = int(config['api_id'])
API_HASH = config['api_hash']
x = 1
format='<white>{time:HH:mm:ss}</white> | '
'<level>{level: <8}</level> | '
'<cyan>{line}</cyan> - '
with open('otc.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
otc_list = [row.strip() for row in file]
msg_text = open('msg_text.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
successful_messages = {}
def send_message_otc(current_otc):
global successful_messages
for _ in range(3):
app.send_message(current_otc, msg_text)
except FloodWait as error:
except Flood:
except BadRequest as error:
logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}')
except InternalServerError as error:
logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}')
except Exception as error:
logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}')
if current_otc in successful_messages:
successful_messages[current_otc] += 1
successful_messages[current_otc] = 1
logger.success(f'{current_otc} | The message was successfully sent')
with open('errors_send_message.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file:
def join_chat_otc(current_otc):
for _ in range(3):
except FloodWait as error:
except Flood:
except BadRequest as error:
logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}')
except InternalServerError as error:
logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}')
except Exception as error:
logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}')
logger.success(f'{current_otc} | Successfully logged into the chat')
with open('errors_join_chat.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file:
def write_successful_messages():
with open('successful_messages.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
for chat, count in successful_messages.items():
file.write(f'{chat}: {count}\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
user_action = int(input('Enter your action '
'(1 - join chats from .txt; '
'2 - send message in chats from .txt): '))
interval = int(input('Enter the interval between repeated executions (in seconds): '))
while True:
with app:
for current_otc in otc_list:
if user_action == 1:
elif user_action == 2:
logger.success('Работа успешно завершена!')
logger.success(f'Количество успешно отправленных сообщений: {sum(successful_messages.values())}')
print(f'\nWaiting for {interval} seconds before the next execution...')
Думаю да , хороший скриптподскажите, норм работает ли?
da? Pravda i tojeСпасибо, годный скрипт, пригодился.
Работает ли в 2024 году ?Простой спамер по чатам в Telegram
Написан на Python
Python:from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, BadRequest, Flood, InternalServerError from time import sleep from sys import stderr, exit from loguru import logger from msvcrt import getch from os import system import time import re def clear(): return system('cls') api = open('apis.txt').read().split(' ') SESSION = input('Введите номер телефона: ') logger.remove() logger.add(stderr, format='<white>{time:HH:mm:ss}</white> | ' '<level>{level: <8}</level> | ' '<cyan>{line}</cyan> - ' '<white>{message}</white>') app = Client(SESSION, int(api[0]), api[1]) with open('Чаты.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: chat_list = [row.strip() for row in file] message_text = open('Сообщение.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() def https_delete(listname): for https in range(len(listname)): listname[https] = re.sub('https://t.me/', '', listname[https]) def send_message(current_chat): for _ in range(3): try: with app: app.send_message(current_chat, message_text) except FloodWait as error: logger.info(f'{current_chat} | FloodWait: {error.x}') sleep(error.x) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_chat} | The message was successfully sent') return with open('errors_send_message.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_chat}\n') def join_chat(current_chat): for _ in range(3): try: with app: app.join_chat(current_chat) except FloodWait as error: logger.info(f'{current_chat} | FloodWait: {error.x}') sleep(error.x) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_chat} | Successfully logged into the chat') return with open('errors_join_chat.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_chat}\n') if __name__ == '__main__': https_delete(chat_list) print('Вступление в чаты...') for current_chat in chat_list: join_chat(current_chat) number_of_sends = int(input('Сколько раз вы хотите отправить сообщение в чаты?: ')) sleep_time = int(input('Введите задержку между сообщениями в секундах: ')) for current_chat in chat_list: for sending_messages in range(number_of_sends): send_message(current_chat) time.sleep(sleep_time) print('Работа успешно завершена!') print('\nДля выхода нажмите любую клавишу.') getch() exit()
1. Открываем консоль и заходим в папку со скриптом, пишем pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Ждем пока установки всех необходимых библеотек
1. Пишете свое сообщение в файл Сообщение.txt
2. Вставляете ссылки на чаты, куда нужно это сообщение отправить
3. Вводим сколько раз отправить, и задержку
Посмотреть вложение 3818
Скачать программу исходник можете в закрепе
Апдейт: Исправленный рабочий код:
1. Создаём send.py в архиве и кидаем туда код ниже:
Python:from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, BadRequest, Flood, InternalServerError from time import sleep from sys import stderr, exit from loguru import logger from dotenv import dotenv_values from msvcrt import getch from os import system import time def clear(): return system('cls') config = dotenv_values() SESSION_NAME = config['session_name'] API_ID = int(config['api_id']) API_HASH = config['api_hash'] x = 1 logger.remove() logger.add(stderr, format='<white>{time:HH:mm:ss}</white> | ' '<level>{level: <8}</level> | ' '<cyan>{line}</cyan> - ' '<white>{message}</white>') app = Client(SESSION_NAME, API_ID, API_HASH) with open('otc.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: otc_list = [row.strip() for row in file] msg_text = open('msg_text.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() successful_messages = {} def send_message_otc(current_otc): global successful_messages for _ in range(3): try: app.send_message(current_otc, msg_text) except FloodWait as error: sleep(1) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') else: if current_otc in successful_messages: successful_messages[current_otc] += 1 else: successful_messages[current_otc] = 1 logger.success(f'{current_otc} | The message was successfully sent') return with open('errors_send_message.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_otc}\n') def join_chat_otc(current_otc): for _ in range(3): try: app.join_chat(current_otc) except FloodWait as error: sleep(1) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_otc} | Successfully logged into the chat') return with open('errors_join_chat.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_otc}\n') def write_successful_messages(): with open('successful_messages.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: for chat, count in successful_messages.items(): file.write(f'{chat}: {count}\n') if __name__ == '__main__': user_action = int(input('Enter your action ' '(1 - join chats from .txt; ' '2 - send message in chats from .txt): ')) interval = int(input('Enter the interval between repeated executions (in seconds): ')) clear() while True: with app: for current_otc in otc_list: if user_action == 1: join_chat_otc(current_otc) elif user_action == 2: send_message_otc(current_otc) logger.success('Работа успешно завершена!') logger.success(f'Количество успешно отправленных сообщений: {sum(successful_messages.values())}') write_successful_messages() print(f'\nWaiting for {interval} seconds before the next execution...') time.sleep(interval) clear()
2. Запускаем python send.py
круто спасибо за сфотПростой спамер по чатам в Telegram
Написан на Python
Python:from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, BadRequest, Flood, InternalServerError from time import sleep from sys import stderr, exit from loguru import logger from msvcrt import getch from os import system import time import re def clear(): return system('cls') api = open('apis.txt').read().split(' ') SESSION = input('Введите номер телефона: ') logger.remove() logger.add(stderr, format='<white>{time:HH:mm:ss}</white> | ' '<level>{level: <8}</level> | ' '<cyan>{line}</cyan> - ' '<white>{message}</white>') app = Client(SESSION, int(api[0]), api[1]) with open('Чаты.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: chat_list = [row.strip() for row in file] message_text = open('Сообщение.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() def https_delete(listname): for https in range(len(listname)): listname[https] = re.sub('https://t.me/', '', listname[https]) def send_message(current_chat): for _ in range(3): try: with app: app.send_message(current_chat, message_text) except FloodWait as error: logger.info(f'{current_chat} | FloodWait: {error.x}') sleep(error.x) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_chat} | The message was successfully sent') return with open('errors_send_message.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_chat}\n') def join_chat(current_chat): for _ in range(3): try: with app: app.join_chat(current_chat) except FloodWait as error: logger.info(f'{current_chat} | FloodWait: {error.x}') sleep(error.x) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_chat} | Successfully logged into the chat') return with open('errors_join_chat.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_chat}\n') if __name__ == '__main__': https_delete(chat_list) print('Вступление в чаты...') for current_chat in chat_list: join_chat(current_chat) number_of_sends = int(input('Сколько раз вы хотите отправить сообщение в чаты?: ')) sleep_time = int(input('Введите задержку между сообщениями в секундах: ')) for current_chat in chat_list: for sending_messages in range(number_of_sends): send_message(current_chat) time.sleep(sleep_time) print('Работа успешно завершена!') print('\nДля выхода нажмите любую клавишу.') getch() exit()
1. Открываем консоль и заходим в папку со скриптом, пишем pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Ждем пока установки всех необходимых библеотек
1. Пишете свое сообщение в файл Сообщение.txt
2. Вставляете ссылки на чаты, куда нужно это сообщение отправить
3. Вводим сколько раз отправить, и задержку
Посмотреть вложение 3818
Скачать программу исходник можете в закрепе
Апдейт: Исправленный рабочий код:
1. Создаём send.py в архиве и кидаем туда код ниже:
Python:from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, BadRequest, Flood, InternalServerError from time import sleep from sys import stderr, exit from loguru import logger from dotenv import dotenv_values from msvcrt import getch from os import system import time def clear(): return system('cls') config = dotenv_values() SESSION_NAME = config['session_name'] API_ID = int(config['api_id']) API_HASH = config['api_hash'] x = 1 logger.remove() logger.add(stderr, format='<white>{time:HH:mm:ss}</white> | ' '<level>{level: <8}</level> | ' '<cyan>{line}</cyan> - ' '<white>{message}</white>') app = Client(SESSION_NAME, API_ID, API_HASH) with open('otc.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: otc_list = [row.strip() for row in file] msg_text = open('msg_text.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() successful_messages = {} def send_message_otc(current_otc): global successful_messages for _ in range(3): try: app.send_message(current_otc, msg_text) except FloodWait as error: sleep(1) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') else: if current_otc in successful_messages: successful_messages[current_otc] += 1 else: successful_messages[current_otc] = 1 logger.success(f'{current_otc} | The message was successfully sent') return with open('errors_send_message.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_otc}\n') def join_chat_otc(current_otc): for _ in range(3): try: app.join_chat(current_otc) except FloodWait as error: sleep(1) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_otc} | Successfully logged into the chat') return with open('errors_join_chat.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_otc}\n') def write_successful_messages(): with open('successful_messages.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: for chat, count in successful_messages.items(): file.write(f'{chat}: {count}\n') if __name__ == '__main__': user_action = int(input('Enter your action ' '(1 - join chats from .txt; ' '2 - send message in chats from .txt): ')) interval = int(input('Enter the interval between repeated executions (in seconds): ')) clear() while True: with app: for current_otc in otc_list: if user_action == 1: join_chat_otc(current_otc) elif user_action == 2: send_message_otc(current_otc) logger.success('Работа успешно завершена!') logger.success(f'Количество успешно отправленных сообщений: {sum(successful_messages.values())}') write_successful_messages() print(f'\nWaiting for {interval} seconds before the next execution...') time.sleep(interval) clear()
2. Запускаем python send.py
незачто братан как тебе онСпасибо, годный скрипт, пригодился.
Спасибо большое, щас буду пробоватьКу, спс за софт
Простой спамер по чатам в Telegram
Написан на Python
Python:from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, BadRequest, Flood, InternalServerError from time import sleep from sys import stderr, exit from loguru import logger from msvcrt import getch from os import system import time import re def clear(): return system('cls') api = open('apis.txt').read().split(' ') SESSION = input('Введите номер телефона: ') logger.remove() logger.add(stderr, format='<white>{time:HH:mm:ss}</white> | ' '<level>{level: <8}</level> | ' '<cyan>{line}</cyan> - ' '<white>{message}</white>') app = Client(SESSION, int(api[0]), api[1]) with open('Чаты.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: chat_list = [row.strip() for row in file] message_text = open('Сообщение.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() def https_delete(listname): for https in range(len(listname)): listname[https] = re.sub('https://t.me/', '', listname[https]) def send_message(current_chat): for _ in range(3): try: with app: app.send_message(current_chat, message_text) except FloodWait as error: logger.info(f'{current_chat} | FloodWait: {error.x}') sleep(error.x) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_chat} | The message was successfully sent') return with open('errors_send_message.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_chat}\n') def join_chat(current_chat): for _ in range(3): try: with app: app.join_chat(current_chat) except FloodWait as error: logger.info(f'{current_chat} | FloodWait: {error.x}') sleep(error.x) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_chat} | Successfully logged into the chat') return with open('errors_join_chat.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_chat}\n') if __name__ == '__main__': https_delete(chat_list) print('Вступление в чаты...') for current_chat in chat_list: join_chat(current_chat) number_of_sends = int(input('Сколько раз вы хотите отправить сообщение в чаты?: ')) sleep_time = int(input('Введите задержку между сообщениями в секундах: ')) for current_chat in chat_list: for sending_messages in range(number_of_sends): send_message(current_chat) time.sleep(sleep_time) print('Работа успешно завершена!') print('\nДля выхода нажмите любую клавишу.') getch() exit()
1. Открываем консоль и заходим в папку со скриптом, пишем pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Ждем пока установки всех необходимых библеотек
1. Пишете свое сообщение в файл Сообщение.txt
2. Вставляете ссылки на чаты, куда нужно это сообщение отправить
3. Вводим сколько раз отправить, и задержку
Посмотреть вложение 3818
Скачать программу исходник можете в закрепе
Апдейт: Исправленный рабочий код:
1. Создаём send.py в архиве и кидаем туда код ниже:
Python:from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, BadRequest, Flood, InternalServerError from time import sleep from sys import stderr, exit from loguru import logger from dotenv import dotenv_values from msvcrt import getch from os import system import time def clear(): return system('cls') config = dotenv_values() SESSION_NAME = config['session_name'] API_ID = int(config['api_id']) API_HASH = config['api_hash'] x = 1 logger.remove() logger.add(stderr, format='<white>{time:HH:mm:ss}</white> | ' '<level>{level: <8}</level> | ' '<cyan>{line}</cyan> - ' '<white>{message}</white>') app = Client(SESSION_NAME, API_ID, API_HASH) with open('otc.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: otc_list = [row.strip() for row in file] msg_text = open('msg_text.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() successful_messages = {} def send_message_otc(current_otc): global successful_messages for _ in range(3): try: app.send_message(current_otc, msg_text) except FloodWait as error: sleep(1) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') else: if current_otc in successful_messages: successful_messages[current_otc] += 1 else: successful_messages[current_otc] = 1 logger.success(f'{current_otc} | The message was successfully sent') return with open('errors_send_message.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_otc}\n') def join_chat_otc(current_otc): for _ in range(3): try: app.join_chat(current_otc) except FloodWait as error: sleep(1) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_otc} | Successfully logged into the chat') return with open('errors_join_chat.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_otc}\n') def write_successful_messages(): with open('successful_messages.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: for chat, count in successful_messages.items(): file.write(f'{chat}: {count}\n') if __name__ == '__main__': user_action = int(input('Enter your action ' '(1 - join chats from .txt; ' '2 - send message in chats from .txt): ')) interval = int(input('Enter the interval between repeated executions (in seconds): ')) clear() while True: with app: for current_otc in otc_list: if user_action == 1: join_chat_otc(current_otc) elif user_action == 2: send_message_otc(current_otc) logger.success('Работа успешно завершена!') logger.success(f'Количество успешно отправленных сообщений: {sum(successful_messages.values())}') write_successful_messages() print(f'\nWaiting for {interval} seconds before the next execution...') time.sleep(interval) clear()
2. Запускаем python send.py
не подскажите, в вайле есть инструкция для чайников?Простой спамер по чатам в Telegram
Написан на Python
Python:from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, BadRequest, Flood, InternalServerError from time import sleep from sys import stderr, exit from loguru import logger from msvcrt import getch from os import system import time import re def clear(): return system('cls') api = open('apis.txt').read().split(' ') SESSION = input('Введите номер телефона: ') logger.remove() logger.add(stderr, format='<white>{time:HH:mm:ss}</white> | ' '<level>{level: <8}</level> | ' '<cyan>{line}</cyan> - ' '<white>{message}</white>') app = Client(SESSION, int(api[0]), api[1]) with open('Чаты.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: chat_list = [row.strip() for row in file] message_text = open('Сообщение.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() def https_delete(listname): for https in range(len(listname)): listname[https] = re.sub('https://t.me/', '', listname[https]) def send_message(current_chat): for _ in range(3): try: with app: app.send_message(current_chat, message_text) except FloodWait as error: logger.info(f'{current_chat} | FloodWait: {error.x}') sleep(error.x) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_chat} | The message was successfully sent') return with open('errors_send_message.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_chat}\n') def join_chat(current_chat): for _ in range(3): try: with app: app.join_chat(current_chat) except FloodWait as error: logger.info(f'{current_chat} | FloodWait: {error.x}') sleep(error.x) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_chat} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_chat} | Successfully logged into the chat') return with open('errors_join_chat.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_chat}\n') if __name__ == '__main__': https_delete(chat_list) print('Вступление в чаты...') for current_chat in chat_list: join_chat(current_chat) number_of_sends = int(input('Сколько раз вы хотите отправить сообщение в чаты?: ')) sleep_time = int(input('Введите задержку между сообщениями в секундах: ')) for current_chat in chat_list: for sending_messages in range(number_of_sends): send_message(current_chat) time.sleep(sleep_time) print('Работа успешно завершена!') print('\nДля выхода нажмите любую клавишу.') getch() exit()
1. Открываем консоль и заходим в папку со скриптом, пишем pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Ждем пока установки всех необходимых библеотек
1. Пишете свое сообщение в файл Сообщение.txt
2. Вставляете ссылки на чаты, куда нужно это сообщение отправить
3. Вводим сколько раз отправить, и задержку
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Апдейт: Исправленный рабочий код:
1. Создаём send.py в архиве и кидаем туда код ниже:
Python:from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, BadRequest, Flood, InternalServerError from time import sleep from sys import stderr, exit from loguru import logger from dotenv import dotenv_values from msvcrt import getch from os import system import time def clear(): return system('cls') config = dotenv_values() SESSION_NAME = config['session_name'] API_ID = int(config['api_id']) API_HASH = config['api_hash'] x = 1 logger.remove() logger.add(stderr, format='<white>{time:HH:mm:ss}</white> | ' '<level>{level: <8}</level> | ' '<cyan>{line}</cyan> - ' '<white>{message}</white>') app = Client(SESSION_NAME, API_ID, API_HASH) with open('otc.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: otc_list = [row.strip() for row in file] msg_text = open('msg_text.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() successful_messages = {} def send_message_otc(current_otc): global successful_messages for _ in range(3): try: app.send_message(current_otc, msg_text) except FloodWait as error: sleep(1) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') else: if current_otc in successful_messages: successful_messages[current_otc] += 1 else: successful_messages[current_otc] = 1 logger.success(f'{current_otc} | The message was successfully sent') return with open('errors_send_message.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_otc}\n') def join_chat_otc(current_otc): for _ in range(3): try: app.join_chat(current_otc) except FloodWait as error: sleep(1) except Flood: pass except BadRequest as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except InternalServerError as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') except Exception as error: logger.error(f'{current_otc} | {error}') else: logger.success(f'{current_otc} | Successfully logged into the chat') return with open('errors_join_chat.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(f'{current_otc}\n') def write_successful_messages(): with open('successful_messages.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: for chat, count in successful_messages.items(): file.write(f'{chat}: {count}\n') if __name__ == '__main__': user_action = int(input('Enter your action ' '(1 - join chats from .txt; ' '2 - send message in chats from .txt): ')) interval = int(input('Enter the interval between repeated executions (in seconds): ')) clear() while True: with app: for current_otc in otc_list: if user_action == 1: join_chat_otc(current_otc) elif user_action == 2: send_message_otc(current_otc) logger.success('Работа успешно завершена!') logger.success(f'Количество успешно отправленных сообщений: {sum(successful_messages.values())}') write_successful_messages() print(f'\nWaiting for {interval} seconds before the next execution...') time.sleep(interval) clear()
2. Запускаем python send.py
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