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UE4 ASSET Airplane Hangar



Где волчьи уши, там волчьи зубы.
Команда форума
26 238


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Пожалуйста, войдите или зерегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытый текст.

Технические детали / Technical Details:
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
  • Airplane hangar
  • Plane ( 3 skins included)
  • Hanging Lamps, Wall Lamp, Fusebox
  • Workbench, Hand Tools, Vice, Electric drill, Toolbox
  • Paint buckets, Paint Brush, Oil Canisters, Boxes, Gas container.
  • Construction Container, Brick, Plank, Trash Bags
Texture Sizes: (please list resolutions for each texture)
  • 31 Textures Sized 4096*4096
  • 9 Textures Sized 1024*1024
  • 57 Textures Sized 2048*2048
Texture Size (please list textures for each resolution):
Collision: (Yes/No, and specify which type -- custom, automatically generated, or per-poly?)Yes, Automatically Generated
Vertex Count: 4 - 46445
Number of Meshes:67
Number of Materials and Material Instances:40
Number of Textures:97
Supported Development Platforms: (Please include a list of platforms on which the product can be used for development)PC
Supported Target Build Platforms: (Please include a list of platforms for which the product can be targeted in a packaged build)PC
Documentation: (Replace these parentheses with a link to (or a description of where users can find) the documentation)


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