Dawson's Creek is an American television series that premiered on January 20, 1998, on television network The WB. It was created by Kevin Williamson, who was the executive producer until the end of the show's second season. Paul Stupin shared the executive producer role until Williamson left, and remained until the series finale along with Tom Kapinos and Greg Prange. It is produced by Outerbanks Entertainment and Sony Pictures Television.
The series stars James Van Der Beek as Dawson Leery, an aspiring filmmaker. Katie Holmes and Joshua Jackson portray his childhood friends Joey Potter and Pacey Witter, respectively. Michelle Williams plays Jen Lindley, the new girl to Capeside from New York City. Kerr Smith plays Jack McPhee, a teen who struggles with his sexuality; Meredith Monroe plays overachiever Andie McPhee; and Busy Philipps plays Joey's college roommate Audrey Liddell. Rounding out the cast are Mary-Margaret Humes and John Wesley Shipp as Gail and Mitch Leery, Dawson's parents; Nina Repeta as Bessie Potter, Joey's older sister and legal guardian due to their mother's fatal cancer and father's incarceration for blue-collar crime; and Mary Beth Peil as Evelyn "Grams" Ryan, Jen's maternal grandmother and legal guardian in Capeside.
Between January 20, 1998, and May 14, 2003, Dawson's Creek aired for six seasons on the WB, the first season being a mid-season replacement and the following five as regular seasons. 128 episodes were produced over the show's six-year run, and concluded with a two-hour series finale. All six seasons are available on DVD in Regions 1, 2 and 4.