The nineteenth season of Family Guy aired on Fox from September 27, 2020, to May 16, 2021.
The series follows the dysfunctional Griffin family, consisting of father Peter, mother Lois, daughter Meg, son Chris, baby Stewie, and the family dog Brian, who reside in their hometown of Quahog.
Season nineteen premiered the run of the eighteenth production season, which was executive produced by Seth MacFarlane, Alec Sulkin, Richard Appel, Steve Callaghan, Danny Smith, Kara Vallow, Mark Hentemann, Tom Devanney and Patrick Meighan. Sulkin and Appel returned as the series' showrunners.
During this season, Stewie says his first word ("Stewie's First Word"), Peter becomes an Italian mob boss ("La Famiglia Guy"), Peter finds out his mortal enemy Ernie the Giant Chicken is dying ("Fecal Matters"), Quahog gets a new mayor, voiced by Sam Elliot ("Wild Wild West"), Meg adopts a cat ("Family Cat") and Brian and Stewie go on a Terminator-esque adventure to save Stewie's life ("PeTerminator").