Piper Halliwell is a fictional character from the American television series Charmed, played by Holly Marie Combs from October 7, 1998, until May 21, 2006. The character was created by Constance M. Burge, who based Piper on her second-oldest sister. Piper is introduced into the series as the middle sister to Prue (Shannen Doherty) and Phoebe Halliwell (Alyssa Milano). She is one of the original featured leads and, more specifically, a Charmed One – one of the most powerful witches of all time. Piper's power was initially described as the ability to stop time in her surrounding environment. As the series progresses, Leo reveals that her power actually works by slowing down molecules to the point that they stop. She also receives the power to cause evil beings or objects to explode using her hands, by instead speeding up molecules to the point of combustion.
During the first three seasons, Piper is portrayed as the "sweet", "sensitive middle sister", and peacemaker of the group as she often attempts to keep the peace between her two sisters. She later develops a more aggressive and protective personality when she becomes the eldest sister from season four onwards, following Prue's death and the introduction of their younger half-sister Paige Matthews (Rose McGowan). Piper's storylines have often revolved around her protecting innocents and defeating the forces of evil in San Francisco with her sisters, as well as leading a normal life as a chef for a restaurant and later as the owner of a nightclub. Piper's central love interest throughout the series is Leo Wyatt (Brian Krause), the sisters' Whitelighter – a guardian angel for good witches. After the pair temporarily split in season two, a love triangle forms between Piper, Leo, and her neighbor Dan Gordon (Greg Vaughan). Piper and Leo eventually marry in season three, and later have a son named Wyatt in season five. They separate again at the end of season five, and Piper starts dating other men in the subsequent season. However, Piper and Leo reconnect towards the end of season six, resulting in a second son named Chris.
The character received a positive reception from television critics, who praised Combs' performance as Piper and her relationship with Leo. Combs garnered various awards and nominations for her portrayal of Piper. In 2007 and 2008, AOL TV ranked Piper third on their list of the Top TV Witches, behind Samantha Stephens from Bewitched and Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She was ranked sixth on both E! Online's 2011 list of the "Top 10 Most Bitchin' Witches", and The Huffington Post's 2016 list of "The Top 10 Greatest Witches of All Time". In addition to the television series, the character has also appeared in numerous expanded universe material, such as the Charmed novels and its comic book adaptation.