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Курс Unreal Engine Blueprints - The Ultimate Developer Course



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Команда форума
23 868


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  • #1
This course will teach you how to create video games using Unreal Engine's Blueprint system. Blueprints allows you to create top quality video games without any experience coding. You will create three complete video games, and we will package the third game for mobile and test on an actual mobile device! Learn all the basic game development skills including character mobility and animation, particle and sound effects, HUD elements like progress bars and on-screen animated text widgets, hazards and explosives, pickups, dynamic materials, gameplay mechanics like switches, doors, and much, much more!

Чему вы научитесь

-Students will create 3 complete games including a mobile game and will test it on their mobile device.
-Students will learn Unreal Engine's Blueprint scripting system, which they will use to create gameplay.
-Students will learn how to get beautiful game props, characters and environments online for free.
-Students will create games without needing to learn coding.

Для кого этот курс:
  • Beginners with no game development experience.
  • Experienced developers who want to brush up on their skills.
  • Programmers who want to solidify their Blueprint scripting skills.
  • Anyone who wants to release games and earn a side income from game sales.

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