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- #1
A crosswalk from C++, Java, and C# to Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints. Reconstruct traditional and widely used design patterns in Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints to solve some of the most common problems in programming. This book is especially helpful if you are coming from Unity game development and trying to learn Unreal Engine. Additionally, the crosswalk to C++ is extremely helpful if you know a programming language like Java or C#. You will see popular design patterns translated to four different languages all in one book.
Последние темы в этом разделе:
- Полезные гайды по Unreal Engine 5.4
- 3D PBR Sci Corridor Tutorial For Game Production
- Elevating Game Experiences with Unreal Engine 5 - Second Edition
- Unreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation, and Cinematics
- Паттерны проектирования. Теория. Unreal Engine.
- Создание игровых сред для мобильных устройств и виртуальной реальности на BLENDER, SUBSTANCE И UNREAL ENGINE 4
- Unreal For VFX - Josh Toonen
- Unreal Engine: создание 3D-миров, кинематография и анимация - udemy (2024)
- Control Rig for Unreal Engine 5 [RUS]
- [Udemy] [ENG] Окончательный ArchViz - Интерактивные туры по Unreal Engine 5.3 (2024)